5 Most Common Myths about App store optimization

January 1, 2019

The world is so competitive! Indeed nowadays from buying a copy to tying knot is a matter of your vision and finger so as with the availability of 2.8 million apps on app stores, makes it necessary for businesses to optimize their business app for the apps store. It will be easier for the customers to seek out the services or products your business provides irrespective of looking for hours out of those millions of apps. Hence the app related to your choice will be easily discoverable.  How important is app store optimization (ASO)?  Like if we talk about business on the computers there is a keyword (SEO) similarly, for phones and tablets ASO is the smartest trick to increase the visibility of your business on the top searches.

Misconceptions or Myths:

it contains the high probability of the chaos and confusions that a person can face while working for ASO.

Often change the title to get better ranking –

A heading is an impactful matter to be considered.  Playing with the keywords, mixing and changing the headwords specifically the name of the product can be a major harm to your strategy.  Create it short, attractive and unique.

Keywords are not that much important-

If like some you too think that ASO counts on ranking only then it’s the high time to wipe the foam as it’s equally important to select an appropriate keyword matching your product’s functionality.

It’s not all about Ratings & Downloads-

Taking ratings and downloads not so seriously can lead your business to the tough time. Due to this misconception, many app developers and the entrepreneurs are investing their money in fake ratings as well as in ghost download. Hence, with the right ASO tact, you can possibly make your business app rank even better than of your topmost competitors.

Being on App store is enough-

Let’s pinout another myth of existing an app as a mannequin to the App store well this is not enough. There will no such magical wind which can flow your app directly to its customers.  Your app will be lost somewhere as people could not really find it due to the lack of advertisement and charm. It does need an appropriate update more often to ignore failure.

Description is not that much important-

Wait! What? Even if you go to an ice cream parlor the fancy description of varieties of flavors can create an imaginary taste in your brain to choose the best one for you. However, according to the surveys, the subheadings are the most privileged factor to be seen directly after the title. Sometimes due to negligence on the descriptive part, an ASO may suffer the downfall.

We are talking about the global market. More than millions of apps are already there and still growing furiously.  With time the opportunities arise and so as the competitions. The only way to beat the heat (competitions) is to answer the call. Call for a better opportunity in a world of ‘’have to do‘’ keep your eyes on a roll to exactly what not to do’’.

Points worth sharing

  • Keep it unique & stick to it.
  • Keywords are equally vital.
  • It’s a yes for ratings and downloads too.
  • Be more than just exist on App store.
  • Description is a matter of art.

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